Summer Programs

Al Éxito University is an intensive residential preparatory camp for Latinx students. The camp aims to nourish teenagers' college aspirations, start college plans, and provide experiences that will develop skills necessary to succeed in postsecondary education.
Students will leave with an electronic toolkit outlining postsecondary pathways, a complete timeline from high school to college, a customized scholarship list, and completed scholarship essays. Youth will meet with staff, faculty and students from numerous colleges/universities in Iowa. The program is free to attend for Al Éxito participants.

Power and Perception and Youth Action (PAPAYA) is a summer program for high school students that focuses on ASTEM areas and youth participatory action research (YPAR).
It is a partnership between the AE program and the Science Bound scholarship program at Iowa State University. It was created and facilitated with the help of Dr. Ricardo Martinez and Cindy Delgado Parra.
This year, it is residential!